Partners — Radioactive Robotics

Our partners are so important and we accomplish a lot together. They make everything we do possible.


We are school teams with Pocahontas County High School (FTC) and Green Bank Elementary Middles School (FLL).

The 2018-2019 FLL team at the World Championship in Detroit, Michigan, showing off our awesome list of sponsors that got us to the event.

The 2018-2019 FLL team at the World Championship in Detroit, Michigan, showing off our awesome list of sponsors that got us to the event.

Our primary sponsor, without whom we would not exist or have a work space, is Green Bank Observatory. Green Bank Observatory provides us with funding on an annual basis, brings us many mentors who have helped the teams move forward, and provides us with our work space.

United Way of Greenbrier County and the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium have also helped us significantly with funding.

Finally, we are an Amazon Smile registered organization!

Become a Partner

We are constantly looking for new partnerships to help us out. We can readily accept donations through GoFundMe and are also happy to discuss possible new partnerships. If you would like more information, please send us an email using the form below.